Books & Book Chapters
Smajgl, A, Ward, J (Eds.). 2013. The Water-Food-Energy Nexus in the Mekong Region. Assessing Development Strategies Considering Cross-Sectoral and Transboundary Impacts. Springer, New York.
Maheshwari, B., Ward, J., Varua, M.E., Purohit, R.C., Hakimuddin, Oza, S., Y. Jadeja, Y., R. Packham, R., (2016). Harnessing community capacity to coordinate and integrate natural and behavioural science perspectives: a groundwater management case study from rural India. In M. F. Rola-Rubzen and J. Burgess (ed.), Developing Human Capacity in the Asia Pacific: Trends, Challenges and Prospects, Routledge. (in press)
M. Chew, B. Maheshwari, R. Purohit, P. Dillon, S. Oza, H. Bohra, Y. Dashora, Y. Jadeja, R. Kookana, R., Packham, J. Ward. and P. Katara (2017) Groundwater stories. Villagers share their voices: a MARVI project, Western Sydney University, ISBN 978-1-74108-441-2